2ND AVE HAGGATT HALL • ST. MICHAEL, BARBADOS I 246.260.2224 I coconutbaby246@gmail.com
Dessert boxes

Our Coconut Baby Dessert Boxes
are a way to try our delicious custom desserts without
buying a full dozen of each dessert or an entire cake.
Great for gift-giving or a delicious treat for yourself.
Our 3-item boxes feature items like;
Fruit Danish, Slice Cake, Tart, Cookies, Coconut Chips,
Mini Kombucha or Natural Drink, Mini Dessert Jar, Stuffed Donut... etc
Happy Birthday Box: $100
This 5-item box features;
Mini wine or Sparkling water
4in cake with Coconut Baby stamp + Happy Birthday topper
Full-size Dessert Jar
Two vegan desserts
Options depend on daily availability.
We are located 2nd Ave Haggatt Hall • St. Michael, Barbados.
Tuesday-Saturday: 7 am-5 pm, except on bank holidays.
We believe in DELICIOUS plant-based + vegetarian food for everyone. Contact us today to experience the yumminess everyone is talking about!